Surendra Sharma

Surendra Sharma

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

To get month name from datetime picker in VB.NET

dim str as string=MonthName(dtpAttendance_Date.Value.Month)

To get month name from datefield of a Table in SQL

SELECT DATENAME(month, getdate()) AS 'Month Name'

Command for Redirecting all the file of a folder in a reverse order of Datewise.

D:\> dir *.cs /B /O-D>C:\abc.txt

To Convert variable of one datatype to other in SQL.

@mybin1 binary(5), @mybin2 binary(5)
SET @mybin1 = 0xFF
SET @mybin2 = 0xA5
-- No CONVERT or CAST function is necessary because this example concatenates two binary strings.
SELECT @mybin1 + @mybin2
-- A CONVERT or CAST function is necessary because this example concatenates two binary strings plus a space.
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(5), @mybin1) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(5), @mybin2)
-- Here is the same conversion using CAST
SELECT CAST(@mybin1 AS varchar(5)) + ' ' + CAST(@mybin2 AS varchar(5))

New Line in Multiline TextBox in C#

TextBox1.Text ="RAM" + System.Environment.NewLine;

TextBox1.Text +="RAM" + System.Environment.NewLine;


TextBox1.Text ="RAM" + "\r\n";

TextBox1.Text +="RAM" + "\r\n";


Microsoft Agent in C#

AgentObjects.IAgentCtlCharacter Character;


sChar = @"C:\WINNT\msagent\chars\merlin.acs";

agtAgent.Characters.Load("merlin", sChar);

Character = agtAgent.Characters["merlin"];



which are yet to completed are "
, null);

Check selected value in CheckListBox in ASP.NET

(int counter = 0; counter < ChecklistBox1.Items.Count; Counter++)


    if (ChecklistBox1.Items[counter].Selected == true)


       //True part




       //false Part

