Surendra Sharma

Surendra Sharma

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Problem with Sitecore GraphQL on Azure

We have deployed JSS App on Sitecore instance running on Azure.

For one of the component we are using GraphQL which is perfectly working on local machine.

But when we deploy it on Azure our GraphQL query was not returning anything.

Our query was

var query = `{
search(fieldsEqual: [{name: "_fullpath",
value: "/sitecore/content/myjssproj/Content/BlogsCollection/ContentListField/*"}

As you can note, we have used "fieldsEqual" parameter and pass the name and value. You will get this query result on your local machine but this is not going to work on Azure.

I think this is because we are using "Azure Search" and Azure have limitation of 1000 fields index. It may be possible that Azure search not indexed system fields.

So if you want to use Azure Search with GraphQL you should rewrite your query with "rootItem" parameter as

var query = `{
search(rootItem: "/sitecore/content/myjssproj/Content/BlogsCollection/ContentListField/*"

Other alternative is to use SOLR as a search on Azure. I find this link is very simple and handy to install SOLR on azure.

Fix : Sitecore error - The type initializer for 'System.Drawing.ToolboxBitmapAttribute' threw an exception.

Our Sitecore website was running fine on Azure. But one day when we tried to open Content Editor, we started to receive error "The type initializer for 'System.Drawing.ToolboxBitmapAttribute' threw an exception."

As we have to update the content urgently and our Content editor was unable to update any content, so for the time being we updated those content from "DB browser" screen by accessing

However this was temporary solution, we have to resolve this issue anyway.


Somewhere on web I read that the cause of this type of error is temp files on server.

As our instance was running on Azure, so we updated web.config file by editing some comment in the hope that it will recycle the app pool but this trick did not worked.

Next thing we tried to "Restart" the web app and once app was up, our content editor able to access content editor and updated content successfully.

I think App service restart operation removed those temp files and fixed the issue.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

eBook : Sitecore xDB to xConnect

Sharing my new eBook with Sitecore community - "Sitecore xDB to xConnect".

You can read and download this ebook from here:

I hope you like this eBook.

Please leave your comments or share this eBook if it’s useful for you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Enable Unicorn for Sitecore websites

Below files are required in order to enable Unicorn on any Sitecore website i.e. if you want to access http://<sitecorewebiste>/Unicorn.aspx, put below files in bin folder
  • Configy.dll
  • Kamsar.WebConsole.dll
  • MicroCHAP.dll
  • Rainbow.dll
  • Rainbow.Storage.Sc.dll
  • Rainbow.Storage.Yaml.dll
  • Unicorn.dll

Config files

  • All config files under "App_Config\Include\Unicorn" folder
  • Rainbow.config

You should make your own project sepcific config file to serialize Sitecore items using Unicorn.

For JSS App, you can create unicorn file "Include\zzz\JSS.Serialization.config" something like 

<configuration xmlns:patch="">

        <configuration name="SitecoreJSSUnicorn" description="Sitecore JSS Serilization using Unicorn">
          <targetDataStore physicalRootPath="D:\Projects\MyJSSProject\Sitecore\Serialization\JSS Site Items" useDataCache="false" type="Rainbow.Storage.SerializationFileSystemDataStore, Rainbow" singleInstance="true"/>
          <predicate type="Unicorn.Predicates.SerializationPresetPredicate, Unicorn" singleInstance="true" >
            <include name="SitecoreUnicorn.MediaOuter.JSS" database="master" path="/sitecore/media library/products-myjssproject">
              <!-- <exclude children="true"/> -->
            <include name="SitecoreUnicorn.MediaInside.JSS" database="master" path="/sitecore/media library/Project/JSSTenant/products-myjssproject">
              <!-- <exclude children="true"/> -->
            <include name="SitecoreUnicorn.Template.JSS" database="master" path="/sitecore/templates/Project/products-myjssproject">
              <!-- <exclude children="true"/> -->
            <include name="SitecoreUnicorn.Placeholders.JSS" database="master" path="/sitecore/layout/Placeholder Settings/Project/products-myjssproject">
              <!-- <exclude children="true"/> -->
            <include name="SitecoreUnicorn.Layout.JSS" database="master" path="/sitecore/layout/Layouts/Project/products-myjssproject">
              <!-- <exclude children="true"/> -->
            <include name="SitecoreUnicorn.Renderings.JSS" database="master" path="/sitecore/layout/Renderings/Project/products-myjssproject">
              <!-- <exclude children="true"/> -->
            <include name="SitecoreUnicorn.Content.JSS" database="master" path="/sitecore/content/MyJSSTenant/products-myjssproject">
              <!-- <exclude children="true"/> -->

Friday, September 13, 2019

How to use Express Migration Tool for Sitecore 9.2

Sitecore Express Migration Tool is used to migrate from version 6.6 to 9.0 initial version. But latest version of Sitecore is 9.2.

Can you export content from any instance of Sitecore 6.6 and onwards to dircetly to Sitecore 9.2?

The answer is YES. Question is how?

So here is the trick!!!

We will use the Sitecore Express Migration Tool itself for this. We will select our needed Source Sitecore version and target Sitecore version as 9.0.0 rev. 171002 and select options to migrate as

  • Core database items
  • Master database items
  • Security
We are ONLY migrating content and NOT the files. So finally you tool screen should looks like

Step 1 in Sitecore Express Migration Tool
Step 1 : Sitecore Express Migration Tool

Click "Next" button.

This tool migrate items from one database to another database. If we compare CORE and MASTER database of earlier version with Sitecore 9.2 version. Tables number and structure is same. If you think logically, all sitecore versions have "Items" table. So it does not matter which Sitecore version are you using.

Sitecore 9.2 Vs 7.2 Database Tables Comparison
Sitecore 9.2 Vs 7.2 Database Tables Comparison

So in step 2 Source section, you can put connection string of your old Sitecore instance details but in "Target" section, you have to specify your Sitecore 9.2 related CORE and MASTER database connection string. Though we are not copying any files but still you should specify Website folder for 9.2. It will be similar to below screen

Step 2 in Sitecore Express Migration Tool
Step 2 : Sitecore Express Migration Tool

Now you can continue ahead with tool and this migration should be completed successfully.

After completion either Recycle your app pool or restart IIS.

Open your Sitecore 9.2 instance and you should get your all old Sitecore instance items in 9.2 content tree.

I have tested it on my local machine and it works like a charm.

So Happy migration!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Fixed : Access Issue while importing JSS app

If you are getting error when you fire Sitecore JSS command jss deploy app -c -d

Exception thrown while importing JSS app
Exception: Sitecore.Exceptions.AccessDeniedException
Message: AddFromTemplate - Add access required (destination: {0DE95AE4-41AB-4D01-9EB0-67441B7C2450}, template: {061CBA15-5474-4B91-8A06-17903B102B82})


Id "{0DE95AE4-41AB-4D01-9EB0-67441B7C2450}" is for "/sitecore/content" while "{061CBA15-5474-4B91-8A06-17903B102B82}" is for "/sitecore/templates/Foundation/JavaScript Services/App".

Basically JssImport service unable to create item under "Content" item. So this is the permission problem.

To fix it, provide access to user "sitecore\JssImport" to "Sitecore\Content" and its descendant items as

Permission to user JssImport
Permission to user JssImport


Monday, September 9, 2019

Install Sitecore 7.2 on Windows 10

If you want to install Sitecore 7.2 on Windows 10 having Visual Studio 2019 and SQL Server 2017. Then you need to install "ASP.NET MVC 4" from .

Once MVC 4 is in place, you should be able to install, login and access Sitecore 7.2 content tree as

Sitecore 7.2
Sitecore 7.2