Surendra Sharma

Surendra Sharma

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Show the Web site Icon in the Adress bar

head id="Head2"

<title>Untitled Page</title>

rel="shotcut icon"


Create word document from Template & pass data from .NET



using Word;


void ParseWord()



myWordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass();

    Word.Document myWordDoc
= new Word.Document();


object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; // our
'void' value

object filename =
@"E:\My Files\WordTest\"
; // our
word template

object destination =
@"E:\My Files\WordTest\ABC4.doc"
// our target filename

object notTrue = false;  // our
boolean false



string myText =
"Hello World!!"

// the sample text we want as replacement


    myWordApp.Visible =
false;  //
tell word not to show itself


    myWordDoc =
myWordApp.Documents.Add( // load the template into a
document workspace

ref filename,  // and
reference it through our myWordDoc

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing);


// count how many fields we have to update

foreach (Field myField



string str = myField.Code.Text;





// now the last touch.. save and close



ref destination,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

             ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing);


// quit word


ref notTrue,

ref missing,

ref missing);


Set Server Side Label Control Text from Javascript

document.getElementById('<%=lblDateSelect.ClientID%>').innerText = 'Please select From Date' ;

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How to set text to a Password TextBox in ASP.NET

txtPassword.Attributes["value"] = "Password123";

Get the difference of month between two dates

static int monthDifference(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)

{       int monthsApart =
12 * (startDate.Year - endDate.Year) + startDate.Month - endDate.Month;
      return Math.Abs(monthsApart);


To solve apostrophe problem in where condition of SQL Statement

If ur query contain single apostrophe like this

SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductName = 'King's Jalepenos'

Then replace ur single apostrophe with two apostrophe like

SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductName ='King''s Jalepenos'

Better do it in C# coding as follows


str = "King''s Jalepenos";

str= str.Replace("'","''");

WinCV.exe - viewing the contents of any DOT NET namespace

WinCV.exe is a tool for viewing the contents of any DOT NET namespace. It is resides in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Bin